What is Darkfield Microscopy?
We have trillions of microbes inside our systems and a Darkfield Microscope provides the powerful magnification and light source needed to see these inside the blood. Our microbes work symbiotically with our cells to fuel every single function of our bodies. When everything is in balance, our microbes act as catalysts, facilitating chemical reactions that nourish us. When things are out of balance, they morph into pathogenic forms that harm our bodies.
The Value of DIAD Analysis?
Using a Darkfield Microscope, we take a drop of live blood, and combine it with bio-active developers. This allows us to fast forward patterns of dysfunction inside body and discover the roots of chronic illness for each individual.
These bio-active substances act like photographic developers that show a snapshot from a person’s future. If a situation were to run its course, full steam ahead without being addressed, we can witness the outcome.